My commitments to my sellers

In all ways I will endeavor to represent your best interests, and make the sale of your home a successful and satisfying transaction.

  • I will provide consultation and guidance on all aspects of the selling process. This will include advising you how best to prepare the property, what repairs to make in advance, and which to simply disclose. I will also advise you of inspections that should be done in advance of marketing, arrange for those inspections and be present during them and report the results to you. I will endeavor to limit your liability in all ways possible.
  • I will advise you how best to present the property at the time of sale. If painting, gardening, cleaning, staging or other projects are required I will make recommendations of appropriate skilled people, and coordinate their tasks.
  • I will help you understand the market value of your home through extensive research of comparable sales in the area, as well as consulting with other agents of Red Oak Realty, all very experienced agents, and other trusted colleagues.
  • I will personally represent your home at the Broker’s Open House, and I will have food for my colleagues. This helps entice them to the open house (very important when there is a long tour!), and encourages them to linger at your home.

Many agents hire a non-agent to hold open their listings. I believe there is no greater priority for my time than representing your home to my colleagues. I take pride in my listings. The vast majority of offers are the result of other agents telling their clients about your home, and my good rapport with my colleagues benefits you.

  • In conjunction with Red Oak’s talented marketing team, I will design customized materials to promote your home to the public, your neighbors and other agents. We will design flyers that highlight the attributes of your home­ – your home will not be confused with every other house!
  • Your home will appear on a myriad of on-line sites, and will be featured on our website: Red Oak Realty provides truly exceptional exposure for your home to be found by on-line viewers.
  • Your home will have its own website: for example,, where I will post the description, open house information, extensive professional photos, as well as neighborhood data.
  • Your home will be featured in extensive marketing materials. My ads appear prominently in the Hills Newspapers and the open home guide of the Sunday Chronicle/Examiner.
  • I advertise actively to other agents through the Ad Review, as well as  emailing of flyers to active  agents throughout the area.
  • I will maintain excellent verbal and written communication with other agents and any prospective buyers. I make sure that all disclosures are available in a timely manner.   I return my own phone calls – many agents delegate much of their communication to assistants. I pride myself in maintaining clear, timely communication with you, and with anyone interested in your home.
  • I will present and help you evaluate all offers received, making every effort to ensure that:
    • you clearly understand the terms of the contract
    • the buyer is qualified to perform the contract, and
    • the contract is honored.
  • I will follow through with you during the inspection and escrow periods. This entails:
    • Working closely with all parties involved (Seller, Buyer, Buyer’s agent, Escrow officer, Loan officer, Appraiser, possibly Inspectors and Contractors as well)
    • Coordinating inspections of your property and making sure you have copies of the resulting reports, if you wish them.
    • Monitoring all time constraints of the contract to be sure contingencies are removed on time, and necessary paperwork is delivered to the appropriate parties. I will ensure that all parties obtain written and signed documents as necessary.
    • I will keep in touch with the escrow officer to be sure all paperwork is processed on time such as loan documents, insurance documents, pay-off demands, etc.
    • I will keep you informed of the deadlines by which contingencies are to be removed. I will also ensure that you are aware of any duties that are yours to complete.
    • I will review with you in advance of the closing of escrow the significant documents for you to sign.

In many small but important ways I will give your home the extra time and attention it deserves, to generate the highest possible price with the least amount of stress!

I am extremely proud of my results:  Since 1997 every home I have represented has sold, with multiple offers, and on schedule.  That is a remarkable record, if I do say so!

Arlene Baxter