A Directory of Useful GREEN Websites

Best Buy Recycling. Since our local electronics recycling shop closed, this is an option through Best Buy to recycle electronics for free, and large appliances for a small fee.

BuilditGreen.org Build It Green is a non-profit membership organization whose mission is to promote healthy, energy- and resource-efficient building practices in California. They developed the Green Point rating system for evaluating buildings for environmentally-friendly enhancements and features. Within this site you’ll find building guides for green new construction and remodels.
www.buygreen.com Site for sustainable and eco-friendly home products
www.calrecycle.ca.gov The California Recycle site, where you can find information on all types of recycling, including Hazardous Waste
ConsumerEnergyCenter.org Guide to smart energy resources from the Calif. Energy Commission
thedailygreen The Good Housekeeping FB site for green consumer tips, articles, and links to eco-friendly living.
ecologue.com HGTV site with popular tips for energy savings and green remodeling/redecorating ideas
Electronics and appliance recycling option
Provides many useful tips for homes, businesses and industry. Includes description of products,

as well as tips for saving in each space of a typical home

fsc.org Site of the Forest Stewardship Council, promoting sustainable wood products, and forest preservation.
GreenGlobes.com Provides a green building assessment tool.
www.greenhomeguide.org A thorough guide to greening not-so-new homes, from the U.S. Green Building Council
HES.lbl.gov The Home Energy Saver site can assist with a do-it-yourself energy audit, and calculations of the amount of energy to be saved through various improvements.
www.NRDC.org/get-involved Natural Resources Defense Council site with specific action items to help reduce global warming.
OurEarth.org National Environmental Directory: Recycling, Energy, Blog, Wiki
www.USGBC.org Site of the U.S. Green Building Council, a non-profit organization that certifies sustainable buildings, and developer of the LEED standards
www.h2ouse.net Shows details about how to save water in different areas of the home. Presented by the California Urban Water Conservation Council