Two North Berkeley homes provide visitors the chance to see some amazing details in wood and tile. Both are open tomorrow, August 25th, from 2-4:30 pm.
The first is a home that will require a major restoration—and for the right person it will be a very rewarding project. Located on a wonderful block of Arch amidst two homes by Julia Morgan and across from Maybeck’s Kroeber House, this 1909  home has some of the most remarkable wood details I’ve ever seen! Instead of redwood, oak or fir, the wainscoting, box beams and built-ins are made of Hawaiian Koa wood. The story is that it required 14 years of collecting to amass enough of this exotic hardwood for Frederick Kern to build this home, designed for himself. The entry, living room and dining room provide a visual feast of wood, with match-book detailing in the wainscoting. Another gem is the oval copper hood over the massive brick fireplace in the living room.
Still in place are very early examples of efficient systems: an on-demand water heater and radiant heat. 1326 Arch Street is offered at $895K,  the listing agent is Barbara Kaplan of Marvin Gardens.
Further north is a home that is a celebration of California tile craft at its finest. The current owners have restored the tile mosaic that leads from the exterior stairs up to the porch and into the spacious foyer, then up the stairway to the second floor. It’s a treat to see the variety of these tiles, and in such fine condition. The living room features a fireplace of Woolesian tiles in a grapevine motif. Â
Built in 1938, the upstairs features two bathrooms in wonderful original condition. This is a three-story view home at 596 Euclid is offered at $2.195M and listed by The Grubb Co.