Green Remodeling options

Starting At Home: Stabilizing And Nourishing Our Environment

Did you know buildings produce as much smog as all of the light-duty vehicles in California? That’s about 40% of ...
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The 2019 Market Begins…and the importance of Kitchens!

The daffodils are blooming, and they have always been my harbingers of the beginning of the real estate market. After ...
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New for 2017: CA Law for Low Use Water Fixtures

California now leads the nation with standards that could save over 10 billion gallons of water in the first year ...
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Energy Upgrade Program Event in Berkeley CA, Nov. 2nd 6:30 pm

An event this evening can help you make sense of an excellent program available in both Alameda and Contra Costa ...
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Make “Green” Upgrades and Cash in on Rebates

All local homeowners are encouraged to sign up for a FREE seminar to learn how to make your home more ...
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New Energy Upgrade Program brings Rebates to Alameda County Homeowners

A rare alliance of Federal, state and local utility resources is providing “one stop shopping” for home owners wishing to ...
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My Debut on Radio…What I Did NOT Get to Say!

What a week! Thursday was my installation as President of Women’s Council, East Bay Chapter at a fabulous fundraiser at ...
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City of Berkeley Offers Money for Energy Efficiency

Finally there may be Money for Energy Efficiency (ME2) in Berkeley! Federal stimulus funding will be available for whole-house energy retrofit programs, ...
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